Step 1: Configure Scene

We describe here how to configure the first hatching scene using Jiffycrew Hatching (UE4).

Make a simple level with basic 3D shapes

Create a new empty level, and add a directional light with rotation (0,-45,90). Then add a plane at the origin (0,0,0) with scale (10,10,1) and add a sphere at (0,0,40) with scale (1,1,1). Make all those actors movable.

Also, add a cube at the origin (0,0,0) with scale (100,100,100). Make it movable, too. To make it act as a background, set "Can Character Step Up On" to "no", set "Collision Presets" to "NoCollision", and uncheck "Cast Shadow".

Turning off those collision options enables camera navigation inside the cube in play mode. Turning off the cast shadow option enables lighting on objects inside the cube.

Set the material of the cube to "M_EmissiveWhite".

Make a folder "Test" and save the level as "FirstScene" in the folder.

Make material instances for the sphere and the floor

Make a material instance "MI_JiffycrewHatching_Sphere" and "MI_JiffycrewHatching_Floor" in the "Test" folder.

Open "MI_JiffycrewHatching_Sphere" and set the parent material to "M_JiffycrewHatching." Do the same for the "MI_JiffycrewHatching_Floor."

You can also find the parent materials and create material instances from them.

Make a post process material instance for hatching

Make a material instance "MI_PP_JiffycrewHatching_FirstScene."

Set its parent to "MI_PP_JiffycrewHatching."

You can also find the parent post process material and create material instances from it.

Add a post process volume to the scene

Find "Post Process Volume" in the left pane, add it to the scene, and check "Infinite Extent (Unbound).

Apply material instances to objects

Drag the "MI_JiffycrewHatching_Sphere" to the sphere to apply it to the model. Similarly, drag the "MI_JiffycrewHatching_Floor" to the floor. Make sure their material slot is set correctly like below.

Apply post process material instance to the post process volume

Click the post process volume in the world outliner, and search options by typing "post process" and click "+" to make a new post process material slot.

Then, make the slot "Asset Reference."

Then, Drag the "MI_PP_JiffycrewHatching_FirstScene" to the slot.


See the initial hatching result. Try to navigate the scene to see how strokes follow the objects.

If the viewport is displaying the scene grid, etc., press G after clicking the viewport to hide or toggle them.

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