Step 4: Adjust Tone Mapping

By adjusting stroke density, we have uniform stroke width and density in the rendering. Now we adjust overall tone of the rendering

Too many strokes on the floor

We may or may not want to put strokes on the lit region on the floor. Here, we will assume that we want to make the lit region brighter having fewer strokes to emphasize the sphere and its shadow. We will do this by using JiffycrewHatching's tone mapping feature.

Open MI_PP_JiffycrewHatching_FirstScene

The tone mapping is controlled in the post process material instance applied to the post process volume. Open "MI_PP_JiffycrewHatching_FirstScene" and click the three checkboxes under "ToneMapping."

Offsetting input intensity

We will first apply a positive offset to the input intensity. Just put 0.2 to ToneMapping - Input Intensity Offset, and see the result.

Adjusting input intensity contrast (input intensity curve)

We will try to more emphasize the sphere and its shadow by changing the contrast of the input intensity.

Try to change the value of "Input Intensity Power Exponent" and see the result.

Here we assume that we want to make low-mid intensity range have higher contrast and put 0.5 in "Input Intensity Power Exponent." Put the value and see the result.

Adjusting contrast of strokes (output intensity curve)

We will now adjust the output intensity curve, which means the intensity curve of the strokes rather than the input intensity.

To exaggerate the overall stroke contrast, we will put 2.0 to "Output Intensity Power Exponent".

Tone mapping highly affects the mood of the final rendering. We highly recommend trying different values and get used to the effects they make.

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