Step 3: Adjust Tone Mapping

Artistic reinterpretation of the light

We may or may not want to put strokes on the lit region on the floor. Here, we will assume that we want to make the lit region brighter having fewer strokes to emphasize the sphere and its shadow. We will do this by using JiffycrewHatching's tone mapping feature.

Make floor brighter

Removing strokes on the lit area of the floor can be simply done by changing the albedo of the floor material. Change the floor material's albedo to "255,255,255"

Changing the input intensity curve

We will further adjust the tone by our tone mapping feature. Go to Jiffycrew Hatching options in Main Camera, put 1.5 to "Output Intensity Power". This will change the input intensity curve of the hatching system.

Changing the output stroke intensity curve

We now adjust the strokes' intensity curve. Put 1.5 to "Output Intensity Power."

Final result

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